Learn how to make Ghee in less than 60 seconds

Greased Lightning.

A number of you have written to me saying that you either had trouble locating the ingredient GHEE in your supermarkets or have found that it is incredibly expensive. GHEE is melted, clarified butter, where the natural sugars are caramelized to give a characteristic taste.

It is actually very easy to prepare at home and I wanted to share the recipe with you in the form of a 60 second recipe video to help you put even more flavour in your Indian dishes. If you have not yet subscribed to my Youtube channel, you can do so here.

You can see how to make Ghee in the video below, but here is the recipe:


1 kg of unsalted butter (I use 4 slabs of 250 grams)

Preparation time: 2 minutes

Cooking time: 35-40 minutes


1. Take the slabs of unsalted butter and melt them in a pan over a very low heat. This takes 35 – 40 minutes, and it depends on the quality of butter and the water content.  When golden brown particles appear on the surface, the ghee is done. 

2. Allow the ghee to cool down naturally and while the liquid is still warm, filter it through muslin or any other clean cloth and a strainer into a strong container (preferably glass or stainless steel).

Ghee does not need to be stored in a refrigerator, but no problem if you wish to do so.

Enjoy the video!
