Olly's Kitchen now available in paperback!

I was watching a celebrity chef on TV explain how to cook Indian food and all the time I was sitting there trying to figure out how many people around the world he could reach with his show and what really is the end product. Is it a short term taste sensation or is it a longer term memory with your friends and family?

Certainly when we wrote the book, the idea was definitely the latter: we have created something to celebrate meal times with the people you value the most.
The show was in English and broadcast in the UK. I then looked up one of the most successful Indian chef’s online and saw that she had a following of nearly 1.5 million subscribers on her youtube channel. I was blown away. This lady was able to take her content and make it available worldwide, but had she reached more people by using a different medium than traditional media? Are we all now slaves to our mobile devices and do we no longer respond to the old ways of communicating?
That’s when I started to think about the ebook some more. Due to the competition of various online stores, we’ve seen that buying an eBook from Amazon is not as easy as it could be for non Kindle owners such as owners of iPads or Galaxy tabs. Obviously this was a frustration for us as we want the recipes to be accessible to as many people as possible so how did we decide to overcome this challenge?
Rather than force hope that people would ultimately adopt technology or install the Kindle application, we decided to go back to basics and we have launched a print version of the book! The evolution of technology has meant that we have been able to offer a print on demand version of the book, harnessing the digital revolution and getting the book infront of even more people around the world, many of us still appreciate holding a good book in our hands, including myself! I have still not got my head around this 3D printing lark, no doubt my boys will come up with something there!
The print version of the book is now available on the market priced at $27.99 and is available in 3 versions:

Olly's Kitchen: UK Edition

Olly's Kitchen: US Edition

Olly's Kitchen: Versión en Español

We figured, lets make it more easily accessible to people to buy online!